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Red onions are cultivars of the onion (Allium cepa) with purplish-red skin and white flesh tinged with red. These onions tend to be medium to large in size and have a mild to sweet flavor. They are often consumed raw, grilled or lightly cooked with other foods, or added as a decoration to salads. They tend to lose their colour when cooked. Red onions are available throughout the year. Red onions are high in flavonoids, and fibre. They can be stored 3 to 4 months at room temperature. Known varieties include 'Red Zeppelin'. The skin of the red onion has been used as a dye.
Grow It Yourself:
Get your Planting Trays or Pots ready. Use good Seed Starting Mix or Cocopeat or Potting Mix. Moisten the mix and plant the seed 3 times its size deeper in the mix. For example if the seed is 1 mm , then plant it 3 mm deep in the mix. Very small seeds can be sprinkled on top of the mix and covered with a very thin layer of mix. Spray the mix with water and cover with a plastic cover till you see germination. remove cover and keep in semi-shade location till seedling is 3 -4 inchs, then transplant seedling or move your pot in Sunny location.