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The most popular garden vegetable crop, tomatoes come in a wide range of sizes, shapes and colors. Choose determinate varieties for early harvest or cool conditions. Compact varieties are also good choices for containers and planting in flower beds. Tomatoes are an incredibly versatile food. They are often considered as a vegetable, though ideally they are a citrus fruit. They are a rich source of Vitamin C and help in increasing your immunity. Not just this, tomatoes also provide several other vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, all of which are necessary for good health. The best part is that they can be eaten either raw, in salads, sandwiches or in vegetables.
Grow It Yourself:
Get your Planting Trays or Pots ready. Use good Seed Starting Mix or Cocopeat or Potting Mix. Moisten the mix and plant the seed 3 times its size deeper in the mix. For example if the seed is 1 mm , then plant it 3 mm deep in the mix. Very small seeds can be sprinkled on top of the mix and covered with a very thin layer of mix. Spray the mix with water and cover with a plastic cover till you see germination. remove cover and keep in semi-shade location till seedling is 3 -4 inchs, then transplant seedling or move your pot in Sunny location.
Number of seeds in a packet – 10