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When grown in a full-sun garden, Fresh Look Yellow attains a height of about 12 to 17 inches and spreads 12 to 15 inches. Plants exhibit heat, humidity, and severe weather tolerance. Like all Celosia plumosa, flowers can be cut for arrangements or dried as an everlasting bouquet.

Plant constituents

  • Celosia (Light Yellow) Plant in Grower plastic pot

Plant care

  • Celosia require regular watering but do not overwater as they can tolerate dryer soil better than overly wet soil and too much water can kill the plant.
  • Only water when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry.
  • Pests and diseases are usually not an issue with this plant.
  • Choose well drained soil mix
  • It requires Bright sunlight for blooms.


  • Celosia trigyna is a plant used in traditional medicine to treat several conditions such as sores, chest pains, diarrhoea and menstrual cramps in many countries in Africa.
  • It is consumed by the local people in Nigeria as soups, sauces and stews. The plant is used in traditional medicine.
  • It is used as a treatment for intestinal worms (particularly tapeworm), blood diseases, mouth sores, eye problems.
  • The seeds treat chest complaints and the flowers treat diarrhea.
  • The leaves are used as dressings for boils and sores, and the boiled vegetables are said to be slightly diuretic.