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The Damask rose is a deciduous shrub growing to 2.2 metres (7 ft 3 in) tall, the stems densely armed with stout, curved prickles and stiff bristles. The leaves are pinnate, with five (rarely seven) leaflets. The roses are a light to moderate pink to light red.

Product Constituents

  • Damascus Rose, Scented Rose plant
  • 5" Recyclable Round plastic pot
  • Healthy soilmix
  • Descriprion Tag

Plant Care

  • Sunlight - Damascus roses prefer full sun, but can tolerate shade.
  • Watering - Water Damascus roses regularly, but avoid overwatering. Water more frequently when the plant is budding and flowering, but reduce watering after blooming. After blooming, wait to water again until the soil is almost dry.
  • Fertilizer - Apply a balanced fertilizer and mulch in late winter or early spring for best flowering.
  • Pruning - Prune lightly immediately after flowering, or early in spring at a depth of 1/4 inch above a bud eye.
  • Temperature - A mild temperate climate is best suited for Damascus roses. At the time of flowering, the temperature should be between 25 to 30°C and relative humidity above 60%.
  • Propagation - Propagate by budding in late summer, or take hardwood cuttings in autumn and winter.
Plant Benefits
  • Mental health
    In perfumes, damask rose can help calm emotions and anxieties. It can also help calm the mind and uplift mood.
  • Health
    Damask rose contains flavonoids, terpenes, anthocyanins, and glycosides, which have many health benefits. 
  • It is often used in meditation and prayer as it is known to help provide strength and balance to your body.
  • The molecules extracted from the rose petals are also beneficial in skincare, particularly for ageing or mature skin, but also in moisturizing dry skin.