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This plant is a summer annual that forms a spreading mat up to 6" tall and 2' across, branching frequently at the base. The stems are round, thick, and succulent. They range in color from light green to reddish brown. The leaves are alternate or nearly opposite and sessile along the stems. They are up to 1" long and ½" across, obovate or oblong, glabrous, and smooth along the margins. Like the stems, the leaves are rather thick and succulent. They are usually shiny green, sometimes becoming reddish purple in bright sunlight. There is a tendency for the leaves to cluster toward the apex of the stems.

Grow It Yourself:

Get your Planting Trays or Pots ready. Use good Seed Starting Mix or Cocopeat or Potting Mix. Moisten the mix and plant the seed 3 times its size deeper in the mix. For example if the seed is 1 mm , then plant it 3 mm deep in the mix. Very small seeds can be sprinkled on top of the mix and covered with a very thin layer of mix. Spray the mix with water and cover with a plastic cover till you see germination. remove cover and keep in semi-shade location till seedling is 3 -4 inchs, then transplant seedling or move your pot in Sunny location.