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Less is more! A simple, straightforward, sleek & elegant desk companion for the minimalist in you! Plant each sheet of the calendar after every 2 months instead of waiting till the end of the year to throw them away. Every sheet of this basic and black table calendar is made from biodegradable seed paper that is wood free and made of cotton scrap and has seeds of flowers, vegetables and herbs embedded in it.
Plantables Planner-Calendar 2024 is made from waste cotton seed paper, set to a metal wiro bound stand of recycled paper.
At the end of every 2 months, you can tear the paper and make it wet so the paper turns to pulp and the seeds inside get hydrated. Plant this paper under a thin layer of soil and put it in gentle sunlight. Make sure the paper stays hydrated as the seeds grow into tiny plants of marigolds, vegetables and herbs.
1 Desk Planner-Calendar
6 Sheets of Plantable Months printed front and back
1 Sheet ‘About the Calendar’
5” x 7.5” inches